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The benefits of heat bathing become tangible once you’ve experienced an authentic Finnleo traditional sauna or far-infrared sauna room. Muscles relax. Aches fade away. Heart and circulation improve. Calories are burned. Skin is renewed. Tension and discord slip into harmony. Body and soul are refereshed

There is no better way to deal with mental strain and fatigue or to reduce stress and relax muscles than in a Finnleo sauna. No one knows for certain if it's the psychological changes that occur in the warmth of these wonderful amenities or if it's simply the time spent in the calm, still retreat that should be accredited for the therapeutic effect. But all who sauna bathe agree - it feels wonderful.


Traditional Sauna

Settle into a Finnleo® Finnish Sauna and let its warmth go to work. Just feel those muscles relax and the aches and tension fade away. Calories are burned and your skin feels renewed; you breathe clearly and deeply. Once again, body and soul are refreshed and ready to take on the world. Finnleo® has excelled at bringing you Europe’s latest design concepts and renowned quality, offering unlimited options and residential sauna accessories. For even the most discerning tastes, pre-cut sauna rooms have taken sauna design to new heights. Any Finnleo® personal sauna is the perfect place to calm down and let the soothing warmth lead one’s thoughts into the paths of meditation.

Traditional Sauna Heaters, Controls, Doors & Accessories


Sauna Controls, Sauna Doors and Sauna Accessories

FarInfrared Sauna

All infrared delivery systems produce EMR and EF to some extent. While the levels are typically low, it is still not clearly understood what the long term effects of low exposure might mean. Pure Infra technology was developed to take the worry out of unnecessary exposure to EMR and EF. For instance, the electrical field in a Pure Infra is less than you’d experience from a computer screen or cell phone. After all, if the point is to detoxify, why expose yourself to any level of unnecessary radiation?

The Lowest EMR + EF available

Simply put, no other infrared sauna system minimizes your exposure to EMR and EF better than Pure Infra. Our exclusive patent-pending technology means Pure Infra saunas produce less EMR and EF than sanctioned by Sweden’s radiation standards—the toughest in the world.

Better for everyone

Pure Infra saunas heat quickly and efficiently with a tap of the touchscreen control. A Pure Infra sauna also heats up near- instantly to your set comfort level while using up to 20% less energy than other systems. That means fewer energy resources are used to provide the safest, most comforting infrared heat bathing experience available— and that’s better for everyone.

Full body heat
The exclusive Evenheat system includes oversized heating panels that ensure infrared waves warm every part of your body evenly — as well as a gentle heat-redistribution system that spreads heat more evenly throughout the sauna. With Even Heat there are no "cold spots” from heat stratification— you are bathed evenly in the safest infrared available from every angle, floor to ceiling.

Music to your ears

Every Pure Infra sauna model includes a speakerless, touch-screen-operated sound system that provides crystal clear pleasure from your favorite MP3’s or the radio. With no visible speakers, the interior finishing is even less cluttered — adding another touch of comfort to your daily detox.

Easy on the eyes

Pure Infra saunas include trimodal lighting systems, with soft valance lighting, ceiling reading lights and color light therapy. This allows you to relax in the soft and diffuse valance lighting, use color to create an energizing ambiance, or simply enjoy your favorite magazine or book without straining.



Custom and Flexible​


The I/S sauna provides the best of both worlds. You like traditional sauna but your spouse prefers infrared sauna? No problem. On weekends you like a traditional sauna taken with others--and with lots of steam--but during the work week you like the mild-soothing infrared sauna heat therapy? No problem. The InfraSauna(TM) by Saunatec(R) is the ultimate sauna--a blending of our Traditional Finnish Saunas with our CarbonFlex(R) Infrared Technology.

This wonderful combination room provides pleasure beyond what a traditional or infrared sauna can do individually. Saunatec's CarbonFlex far-infrared heating system can be incorporated into virtually any sauna room design.

Let your imagination go. For the first time in the worldwide sauna industry, there are now IR options to give you exactly what you want.


Infra-Sauna includes the following standard features:

  • Stainless Steel Junior or Viki Heater with SaunaLogic digital control

  • Pre-manufactured wood-framed CarbonFlex heating panels for walls and behing legs; quantity of panels depends upon room size

  • All-glass door; many window options available

  • Nordic Spruce, Cedar, or Hemlock T&G for walls and ceiling.

  • Prebuilt benches and bench skirts

  • Backrests

  • Heater guard

  • Floor boards

  • Low-voltage lighting system with color therapy (or alternative lighting system of you choice)

  • Bucket, ladle, rocks, and installation hardware

Interior and Exterior Solutions


Finnleo design and quality is evident throughout our product lines. Features not found anywhere else can be found with Finnleo: deluxe interior and exterior upgrades, extensive use of glass including all glass front saunas, Deco interior systems, Sunburst interiors, exclusive European sauna wood species, luxurious contrasting wood colors, curved glass doors and windows, in-sauna entertainment centers with DVD/TV and sound systems, user-friendly digital controls, and heater designs for almost any sauna configuration and any sauna environment.

Design is limited by your imagination...

Pick and choose your own interior and exterior options. The interior and exterior features shown throughout this catalog are available in most Finnleo traditional sauna series. Finnleo’s custom manufacturing capablilites are virtually boundless – limited only by your imagination. You can pick and choose interior and exterior options according to your taste in design and how you plan to use your sauna.

© 2021 by Hänks Häuser.

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